Apr 3, 2007

Got white input fields?

Believe it or not, the color of your fields influences your conversion rate. Usually only by a little though - like by 0.1% Considering that you must first test a multitude of colors to obtain such a result, I do not recommend this tweak for the smaller businesses out there.

That is unless of course your website uses a gnarly color scheme. Every now and then I see a website with a color scheme so deviant, white is a clashing color. Yet they never bother to change the background color of their fields to something else - even when it causes a headache to look at.

Take sketchbagz.com for example. They have a great site design and sell high quality merchandise for artists ( best place to purchase stencils in the U.K. ). However, the artistic look they capture dies as soon as the customer reaches the checkout and gets a migraine.

How do you think field background colors are affecting your online business?

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